EmissionShield – Static Rod Sealing System

EmissionShield – Static Rod Sealing System

Stop emissions during standby

EmissionShield – Static Rod Sealing System

Effectively eliminate vented emissions

Conventional rod seals and packing cases are designed to seal gas inside the compressor during operation, but during standby conventional packing will allow pressurized gas to leak out of the compressor. Gas contained in the cylinders, volume bottles, heat exchanges, piping and other auxiliary devices is either blown down or is slowly depressurized to the atmosphere. In many cases this gas is vented directly to the atmosphere rather than burned via flaring. This is both a loss of potential revenue and a serious environmental problem. With EmissionShield, these vented emissions are effectively eliminated.

EmissionSheilld facts
EmissionShield at a glance

How does EmissionShield work?

Emmision Shield – Product description
Emmision Shield – Product description

The EmissionShield packing is mounted on the rod, and is immediately gas-tight following installation.


Benefits at a glance

Reduces emissions as the compressor can be utilized intermittently or kept on hot standby when needed, with virtually zero gas loss

Gas-tight packing case design

Increases compressor reliability as the SBS Ring is not impacted by debris and does not wear out while the compressor is running

Single piece static seal ring

Reduces installation cost and time through simple plug and play design

Thermally activated static seal ring

Increases safety as the fail-safe valve design will vent the compressor in case of electrical failure

Motorized EmissionShield Valve with spring-loaded mechanism and feedback signal

Ideal for all compressor types – rugged design is optimized for different environments

Motorized EmissionShield Valve with spring-loaded mechanism and feedback signal

Improves compressor reliability as the DCS will signal malfunctions before they can damage the equipment

Motorized EmissionShield Valve with spring-loaded mechanism and feedback signal

EmissionShield – Static Rod Sealing System

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EmissionShield – Static Rod Sealing System

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Components for reciprocating compressors